Children's Ministry
The Children’s Ministry of First Baptist Church Tyler knows that your children are the greatest blessings and ministering to children is our joy and passion. We desire that every child would be known, loved, and led towards Christ. Through every ministry opportunity, we strive to show children what it means to Live, Teach and Tell the Gospel, so that all may encounter the Living God.
Children’s Ministry Programming:
Preschool (babies-kindergarten) 1st Floor
Kids (1st-5th grade) 3rd Floor
Sunday Mornings
Worship: 8:30 am and 11:00 am
Extended Session is offered for Babies – 3 yr old children, while 4 yr olds and up attend Worship with their family.
Sunday School: 9:45 am – 10:45 am
Children are grouped into age specific groups during our Sunday school hour where they will learn about God through scripture-based Bible study, activities, discussion, and play.
Wednesday Nights
Music: 6:15 pm – 6:45 pm
3 yr olds through Kindergarten participate in musical activities as they learn what it means to praise God.
1st-5th Grade participate in Children’s Choir as they learn how they can use their voices to lead others to praise God.
Missions: 6:45 pm-7:30 pm
Mission Friends, GA’s, and RA’s teach children about current missionaries serving, how they can be involved in missions, and also give them opportunities to give and do missions. 3 yr old – 5th grade children are invited to join us as we learn the importance of telling others about Christ.
Wednesday Night Babies - Twos I 6:15 pm-7:30 pm
Babies – 2-year-old (as of September 1, 2024) children may be dropped off for teaching and activities during the music and missions programming time.
Safety & Security
Loving children means caring for them in a safe environment. Every classroom includes 2 or more adults that have passed a background check screening and been trained on our church policy. The Preschool & Kids Halls are kept secure by limiting traffic to just volunteers, parents, and children.
Contact Us!
Kelsey Goodspeed, Minister to Children,
Katie Goodrum, Director of Preschool Ministry,